Thursday, February 18, 2010

Day 10 of My Blogging Challenge - Update

I have accomplished so much in just a week and a half for this blog.  I have looked back towards my past failures and successes and realized that when I set goals I reach them. I once wanted to be an eBay Powerseller and I reached that goal.  There have been other goals that I have set for myself and I have reached them.

I now realize why my previous attempt at becoming an affiliate marketer failed.  I did not know how to write for the Internet or how to write in a niche with targeted SEO.  Now after a year of freelance writing I understand this process much better.

You can learn from my mistakes and you can figure all of this out - the information is out there and hopefully most of it will be on my blog.

My Blogging Challenge News - Day 10
  •  Indexed in Google!
  •  Google Adsense Money - Only some spare change but boy was I excited!  I did a little dance because some angel came to my blog.  I know that one click does not make me rich or even indicate the success of my blog, but it made me feel vindicated and gave me incentive to keep on keeping on. 
  • I am one-fourth of the way to my 100th blog post goal.  Using the double posting each day to reach this goal faster and to fill my blog out with useful content.
  • Working on a free giveaway with email sign up - this is the point where I have failed before, I now know that to get where I want to go and to reach my money making goals - this step is all important to reaching those goals.

My blog is still considered a baby a newborn really.  This blog even though it is in infancy it is doing well, I think.  Indexed and already has made a tiny profit!

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