Friday, February 26, 2010

Using Twitter to Get Traffic to Your Blog

Twitter for More Blog Traffic 

If you have not signed up for Twitter and you have a blog you are missing out on potential traffic and new blog readers.  Twitter can be a powerful blogging tool for blog traffic.

To get more followers on Twitter you can do a search on your blog's keywords, mine are make money online and make money blogging so I search for those.  Then you can see who else is tweeting your key words, they may be your competition.  Here is what you can do though, see who their followers are and go follow them.  Chances are, they are interested in your key word topic or blogging niche and will follow you back.  By doing this you gain two things, more followers and potential blog readers.

When you make a new blog post you also post a tweet about the blog post with a link.  That way your followers will see your blog post title and they can click through to your blog.  You might just get some loyal blog readers in this manner, and it's easy to do.

If you are not utilizing Twitter for your blog traffic you may want to reconsider and sign up today.  You may have noticed that my blog has a widget to show my most recent tweets on my blog.  I have also used FeedBurner to automatically post my blog title with a link on Twitter.

One last note about Twitter:  Twitter can be a personal thing but if you have a blog that is not about your personal life, then you don't need to post personal stuff.  If you have a money making blog you will not want to post about the weather or what you ate for lunch.  If you have just found a great deal for bloggers you could always tweet about that. 

You can follow me on Twitter here:  BloggingFortune

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