Monday, March 1, 2010

Free Blog Traffic - 31 Day Challenge

My Blogging Fortune is going to go through an intensive 31 Day Course or a Challenge to get more blog traffic.

Take the Free Blog Traffic Challenge with me:

You may have heard about Problogger's 31 Days to Build a Better Blog, well I came up with a similar idea only he beat me to it by a long shot.  They say that  imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.  So I hope that Darren Rowse sees this is a huge form of flattery.   Yes, that is an affiliate link and yes, I am trying to suck up to him.  Do you think it's working yet?

I thought if I made a plan for the entire month and really concentrated on doing all of the free blog traffic generation ideas.  I know that my blog traffic could potentially explode.  It may be frustrating and very time consuming but it should be well worth it in the end.

This month just happens to have 31 Days and so do several other months but you can start taking this challenge at any time because it will be laid out so you can do daily tasks.  This Free Blog Traffic Challenge will be tailored to my schedule and therefore be a much lighter load on the weekends when I like to spend time with my family.

Daily Tasks - Complete this list every day for all 31 days:
1. Make a blog post each day.
2. Ping your blog after every blog post each day.
3. Make 100 Entrecard drops.

Free Blog Traffic Challenge - Week 1:
1. Sign up at
2. Article to GoArticles
3. Squidoo Lens
4. Article to Ezine Articles
5. Blog Carnivals
6. Bookmark on Digg, Delicious, and
7. Make 20 comments to like blogs

I am only going to list the first week of my Free Blog Traffic Challenge.  I thought about filling in the entire calendar but then I thought that was too overwhelming so I am going to try this as a week by week thing.  I used a free calendar from Calendars That Work that downloads into a Word Document that you can edit and add your own daily items.  I am really liking this and think I may continue using the calendar in this way.

I hope to see some really great blog traffic results and I will let you know how it goes.

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