Looking for more free traffic ideas?
Last week I blogged about how to Keep Your Blog Posts Archives Alive with the help of LinkWithin you can do just that. LinkWithin is a free service that will go at the bottom of every post and show other blog post teasers from previous articles. By showing related articles at the bottom of your posts your readers will continue reading more of your posts on topics that they are interested.
When your readers notice the other related articles that you have written they will tend to stay on your blog longer and your bounce rate will go down. So by having this option down there at the bottom of your posts you are doing yourself and your visitors a favor.
Once LinkWithin crawls your blog they will start showing the articles related to each post. You will see the words - "You might also like:" near the bottom. The blog posts that appear are chosen by the title, tags, and content that is included in them.
If you are looking for a free way to improve traffic on your blog and keep your readers engaged you might consider trying the free LinkWithin. You can learn more at Linkwithin.com.