Friday, February 19, 2010

Top 10 Ways to Get People to Stay on Your Money Making Blog Longer

Top 10 Ways to Get People to Stay on Your Blog

If you have set up your blog with some posts and widgets and you are attempting to make money online with your blog you want them to stick around as long as possible or at least until you have convinced them to buy something.

You have blog traffic so you know people are coming to your site, but you have a high bounce rate - they don't stick around for long.  So the real question is, How to get visitors to stay on your blog?  There are several different tactics that you can use to get people to get stuck on your site or to have a sticky site.  Follow along with the top ten ways below.

Top 10 Ways to Keep 'Em Around the Blog:
  1. Content is King - Give them good blog content and they will stick around to soak it up.
  2. They enjoy your sense of humor, so laugh it up.
  3. You're Lucky and they just happen to like your personality.
  4. They can identify with what you are trying to accomplish.
  5. Blog about something controversial.
  6. Your blog is inviting and easy to navigate.
  7. You don't try to sell them something every 5 seconds.
  8. They think you are successful and they want to be successful just like you.
  9. Ask questions or take a poll.
  10. They like Top 10 Lists. 

Okay, now that you know, what will you do?  Are you going to run on over to your blog and implement these ideas?  Or will you say that is nice and just let all of the traffic come and stay on My Blogging Fortune's blog?  HuH?

Now is the time to take what you have learned and put it into practice.  I have done at least half of these top ten items, maybe more if I have any personality or sense of humor at all.   So hop to it and go make some money with your blog and keep those visitors on your blog longer.

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